The Butte College journalism program introduces students to the continually evolving and intellectually challenging field of journalism and prepares them for a variety of career options. Jobs today, and looking ahead, require critical thinking, decision-making, creativity, project management, and teamwork skills. Journalism courses provide this essential foundation.
Participants of our program acquire specialized abilities (researching, interviewing, writing, social media editing), and core, transferable skills (communication, time management, teamwork, and digital literacy).

Introduction to Newswriting
Journalism 2: In the Introduction to News Writing course, students learn the ethics of accurate reporting, the empathy to listen well during interviews, and the courage to ask difficult questions. They practice writing for different audiences, producing hard news and feature stories, and adapting content to a variety of media platforms, such as print, websites, social networks, and consumer-facing products. Additionally, they learn basic photography and marketing techniques to help diversify their portfolio.
Our courses: Journalism 2: In the Introduction to News Writing course, students learn the ethics of accurate reporting, the empathy to listen well during interviews, and the courage to ask difficult questions. They practice writing for different audiences, producing hard news and feature stories, and adapting content to a variety of media platforms, such as print, websites, social networks, and consumer-facing products. Additionally, they learn basic photography and marketing techniques to help diversify their portfolio.
Newspaper Production
Journalism 10: The student-run publication The Roadrunner provides our journalism students with the practical application of academic learning through the authentic responsibility of publishing a newspaper. In the process, students strengthen career-essential skills of collaboration, small group communication and working to strict deadlines, plus gain practical experience in the design/layout of print, visual and digital media. The advanced production students assume leadership/management positions within the publication process.

How can I get involved?
Enroll in Journalism 2. It’s that easy.
- Or, stop by the production room in LRC 140 on T/Th from 11:00 – 1:10pm.
- Or, email Kelly with questions: frederickske@tiemles.com
Join us.
Content Editor:
Kelly Fredericks
(530) 893-7414